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SWE at Texas A&M seeks to expand the involvement of its graduate students through the creation of GradSWE. The purpose of GradSWE is to provide a support network, as well as personal and professional development opportunities catered towards graduate students in engineering and other STEM disciplines who wish to empower women in engineering and other STEM disciplines.


  • C^3: Coffee, Cookies, and Conversations – a biweekly discussion series of topics relevant to graduate students

  • Workshops and lunch-and-learns with speakers from industry and other university graduate programs

  • Mentoring programs for graduate students and undergraduates

  • On- and off-campus socials including salsa dancing, badminton, 5K run, game night, and wine tasting, just to name a few!

Parallel Lines

Our Team

GradSWE Chair

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Howdy! My name is Leen Al Homoud, and I’m an Electrical Engineering Master’s student. I received my B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering with minors in Mathematics and Physics from Texas A&M University in May 2021. My research interests include power system modeling and analysis, cyber-physical power systems, distributed energy resources, smart grids, and power electronics. I have been active with SWE since my first year at Texas A&M, volunteering in many events. I joined GradSWE because I wanted to give back to the female engineering community at A&M by helping both undergraduate and graduate female students in their journey to becoming well-rounded, practical, and open-minded engineers with solid leadership and communication skills. I served as the GradSWE Mentorship Chair and Chair-Elect last year, and I’m excited to continue working with GradSWE! In my free time, I enjoy reading, learning new recipes, watching movies, playing board games, and going on walks in parks.


Howdy! I'm Swarali Patil, a first-year graduate student majoring in Industrial & Systems Engineering.  I am new to SWE, and I am really excited to serve as Chair-Elect for GradSWE this year. I enjoy cooking, painting, reading, writing, and traveling in my free time.


Howdy! My name is Raghavi Singhal. I am a Master’s in Electrical Engineering student at Texas A&M.  This is my first semester here and I am the Socials/ PR Coordinator at GradSWE. I did my BTech in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Delhi, India. My specialization is Analog and Mixed Signal Design. I want to work on designing analog and RF circuits for the wireless communication industry. I joined GradSWE because I wanted to be a part of an organization that provides a platform to female graduate engineers to network and build connections. This is my first time living away from my family and in an alien country. A fun fact- I am a big museum nerd. Also in my free time, I like watching movies, playing board games and partying with my friends.

Mentorship Co-Coordinator

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Howdy! I am Neha, pursuing a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. My research interests include Robotics. Prior to joining Texas A&M University, I worked as an R&D Engineer at Blackrock NeuroTech, Salt Lake City, UT. I joined SWE to work with other amazing women while empowering each other to achieve great things. Apart from curricular and co-curricular activities, my interests include graphic design, animation, and photography.


Howdy! My name is Shreedeebika Sundara Raju Sankari, and I'm a second-year graduate student pursuing my master's degree in Management Information Systems. I was very interested in joining SWE since I admired the organization's work. I am thrilled to be joining GradSWE as a Mentorship Coordinator and assisting graduate and undergraduate students in their personal and professional development. As a mentorship coordinator, I am looking forward to supporting and mentoring other women in engineering and boosting their communication and leadership abilities. I love hiking, reading, traveling, and trying out new activities!

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Howdy! This is Kavya Santha Kumar, a Computer Engineering Grad Student from India. I am excited to be a part of GradSWE, and this would be my first time I am getting involved in SWE. I take this opportunity as a Membership Officer with the help of other members in this Organization to help other students and bring the right change. I am a person who loves to learn new every day, and I love solving puzzles. I solve sudoku and listen to music in my free time.


Professional Development Co-Coordinator


​​I am a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. My research interests are machine learning and design. Last year, I graduated from Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Because I am passionate about continually developing new skills and gaining new knowledge, I chose to pursue higher education. I also enjoy playing musical instruments when I am free.


Howdy, I am Smruti Shah. I am a first year master’s thesis student in Mechanical Engineering. I was first introduced to SWE when I attended the informational. Before starting my master’s, I worked in the oil & gas industry as a project engineer. I would be serving as a Professional Development Co-Coordinator for GradSWE for the academic year 2022-2023. I will do my best to apply my industrial experience to guide the students. In my free time, I love to sing, listen to music, and watch movies.


Chair Elect

Socials/PR Coordinator


Membership Coordinator

Architectural Structure

Visit our mentorship page to to find out more about the programs we offer.


Please email with any questions!

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